The International Conference “Physical mesomechanics. Materials with a multi-level hierarchical structure and intelligent manufacturing technologies” continues the series of international conferences on physical principles and mechanisms of material structure formation and nonlinear material behavior. The conference will take place from 09 to 12 September 2024 in Tomsk.
The global objective of the forthcoming scientific forum is to combine the efforts of scientists from solid-state physics, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, and machine learning to search for the answers to the urgent questions of condensed matter physics and physical materials science. The concept of Physical Mesomechanics is an efficient scientific platform for such a combination of studying and solving new, yet not well-defined problems.
Recent studies by the world's leading physics and materials science centers convincingly show that the mechanisms and the nature of nonlinear behavior of solids and soft matter under various external actions (mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, radiation, etc.) are largely determined by the hierarchy of self-organized accommodation processes. The mechanisms and laws of material accommodation are studied by Physical Mesomechanics, the interdisciplinary scientific direction. Being at the intersection of physicochemical and mechanical approaches to the description of matter, this scientific direction combines the mechanics of structurally inhomogeneous media, condensed matter physics, physics of plasticity and fracture, physics and chemistry of structure formation, and physical materials science. Special attention is paid to the substantiation of the generality of the laws of multiscale self-organization of nonlinear processes and phenomena in inorganic and organic materials (solids and soft matter).
Physical Mesomechanics develops the scientific basis for the modern paradigm (multiscale, multiphysics, interdisciplinary), which has become now an inherent part of the methodology of mechanics, physics, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, geological sciences, etc. This makes Physical Mesomechanics in great demand both in fundamental science and in various practical (engineering) applications as they require taking into account the multiscale hierarchical organization of natural and artificial materials / structures / systems.
Since 1996, the Conference has been annually organized and held by the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (ISPMS SB RAS) and annually attracts more than 300 participants from various countries. Over the years, the Conference was held in various cities of Russia, Germany, Denmark, China. In recent years, the Conference has been held in Tomsk (Russia) in a special area (Academician town), where 6 scientific institutes and a free economic zone (Tomsk technology and innovation zone) are concentrated.
ISPMS SB RAS is a recognized world leader in the development of Physical Mesomechanics as an advanced interdisciplinary scientific direction. This substantiates the role of the Institute as an organizer of this Conference. The conference is co-organized by nearly 10 leading research centers in Russia, Germany, Spain, Hungary, and Slovenia.
The conference will provide a platform for a young scientists school involving the participation of students, postgraduates, and young scientists.
Among the guests will be representatives of research equipment / scientific software manufacturers (COMSOL, FIDESYS, etc.) and the real economy.
01 June 2024 — Registration and lecture title
01 July 2024 — Submission of conference paper
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, Russia
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Russia
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS, Russia
Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, Russia
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems RAS, Russia
Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS, Russia
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UrB RAS, Russia
Institute of Engineering Science UrB RAS, Russia
Institute of Physical-Technical Problems of the North SB RAS, Russia
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Tomsk State University, Russia
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Siberian Branch of RAS, Russia
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
University of Stuttgart, Germany
University of the Basque Country, Spain